1. Frasa nomina : the smart children
2. Frasa verba : clumsily go
3. Frasa preposisi : (prep+noun)
4. Frasa adjektiva : uniquely beautiful
5. Frasa adverbial : extremely fast
- I heard the band sing = tuntas
- I heard the band singing = setengah-setengah
- I heard the band to sing = yg nyanyi “I”
Pelengkap=keterangan ex: adjective setelah to be
Wajib ada
Thesaurus: proverb
Clause: berapa kata kerja yang terkena tenses?
Syarat: ada konjungsi
The castle built 500 years ago as ordered by the Prince of Persia to commemorate the sacrifice of his beloved queen remained untouched.
Red colour=verb
Who = conj sekaligus subyek
- kalo ga ada kata sambung, gak bakal jadi klausa
- kata sambung that boleh dihilangkan
- adjective=anak gak boleh jauh dari emaknya, adverb=udah gede boleh jauh dari emak
- benda dijelaskan oleh kata sifat, bukan benda dijelaskan oleh adverb
- penyisipan subyek ke klausa berikutnya itu frasa nomina berikut keterangannya
ex: The man in green is Fatra. Pendapat 1: The man in green = frasa nomina. Pendapat 2: The man = FN, in green = F.Prep
in, on, at, of, off, by, behind, beside, beyond, below, upon, up, into, out, out of, let alone(boro-boro, apalagi), save(kecuali), and, or, but, before, which, with, when, of, without, before(prep/conj), with+which
+ nomina
Formal: bayi lahir (blank slate) : Noam Chomsky
Societal : sociolinguistic, etnolinguistic,
Communicational : media
Cognitive : image schema, frame, prototype, metaphor
Metafora adalah alat dalam benak untuk mengorganisasi pengetahuan, melalui pengetahuan, melalui pengetahuan yang sudah ada.
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